Miriam Herin is a native of Miami, Florida, who lived in Arlington, Virginia, Columbia, South Carolina, and New York City before moving with her family to North Carolina. She is a graduate of Emory and Henry College and the University of South Carolina, where she earned her M.A. and Ph.D. in English Literature. After teaching at a number of colleges and universities, she became a full-time writer. Along the way, she worked for three years as a social worker at a children’s home, was an editor for a time at Good Housekeeping magazine, ran her own free-lance writing and production business, and volunteered for five years to create and coordinate a youth program that involved 56 young people who were refugees from southeast Asia. Miriam is the parent of two adult children and the grandparent of a high school student. She and her husband live in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Miriam Herin’s Books
2020 Winner of the Eric Hoffer Award for Legacy Fiction
Less than 10% of the nominees for the Eric Hoffer Awards become category finalists. They consider this a distinction of its own merit and, in 2008, began officially announcing these titles. Finalists are selected by category scoring and considered for category honors. There are typically 1-6 books per category selected as a finalist.
Miriam Herin’s novel, A Stone for Bread, was the 2020 winner in the Legacy Fiction category.